Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 22 - Oozing my way along

For the past few days I'e been wanting to sit down and update this blog, but just never got around to it. This last week I worked on Tuesday (day 20) and today (Day 22). Monday and Wednesday were a loss... just couldn't put it together to get myself to work. My biggest issue with going to work is my vision. It's the skin around the eyes that is the issue. It's dry and warped skin that pushes on the eye and makes it difficult to do work. Thank goodness for being able to enlarge web pages and the "speak" features on my iPhone.

For the past week I've setup a single bed in the basement for sleep. Wife got some extra/cheap sheets which I cover with large towels each night. This allows me to move, itch, scratch, sigh, shed, and ooze in private and without worrying about making a huge mess. It also saves the wife from being kept up all night long as I wrestle with comfort and sleep.

How am I doing? Not well. My neck and ears ooze at night, I have red sleeves on both arms, my back is covered, my legs get covered more and more each day and the redness is turning dark... more of a burgundy in color. On the slightly better side, the ears aren't crusty during the day or have broken skin. My eyeballs are OK and the watering is limited to only when I go out in the bright outdoors (even with sunglasses).

Earlier this week I switched from apple cider vinegar baths to epsom salt (1 and 1/2 cups) with olive oil (about 2 tbsp). That olive oil really zeros in on your skin and helps moisturize it. You don't need very much for it to feel good... never would have thought. About every other day I'm doing a bath in the morning as well as before bedtime. The night bath really calms the skin. Some days I feel anxious and just want to get out of my skin. The bath really helps that.

I went hunting for pictures of my 2011 journey earlier today. From what I can tell, my journey back then wasn't this bad. By week three (about this same time I'm at now) my face wasn't affected very much at all. I didn't ooze nearly this much, but I do remember some. I never had to sleep somewhere else due to all the discomfort. It really ticks me off that I didn't put it all together back then... I would have been long over this.

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